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I'm Going to Invest in Podcasting More 🎤

Podcasting is discovery

It’s listening to so many familiar and different ideas and being able to ask questions, where people can answer you live.

Podcasting is self-reflection

It’s a way to think about what you do, and what others do. It’s a way to listen to what people think is important and what you think is important.

Podcasting is a way to show up even if nobody will listen

It’s part of marketing that is very hard to measure, it’s a way to increase brand awareness, not in a “marketingy” way, but to say hey, this is me, this is what I do, and this is what I believe in

It’s entertainment and education

I’ve said to Alexander Benkendorf that I want my content to be educational, and he said “Nobody will listen to your podcast to educate themselves, education is a bonus, and what you do is entertainment”. I think he is right, and I understand that today if you want to educate you need to be entertaining.

I don’t have enough free money to invest in gear and production right now, but this is an investment I will make as soon as I have some. As I wrote a couple of blogs back, “Better do good than not do perfect, I will improve along the way”.

Please give me feedback, comment on whatever you think about my blog post, and help me improve. ❤️

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