Ruben's Blog | Ռուբենի Բլոգը
🔙 ..Validating Ideas and Failing Fast at QLOONG👺
Today(actually yesterday) I went to QLOONG, a place where people roast your ideas.
I was not prepared but was so excited that I was eager to try to pitch. My idea was raw but I was willing to pitch it to get some initial roasting.
And boy, I was roasted, and I was happy.
Some feedback I got for “online remote teambuilding platform”.
- People can play games connected to CSGO.
- Whatever you offer can be done with just Slack.
- It’s what Zuckerberg is doing with the metaverse.
- You should have asked Lucky Carrot’s CEO about team building.
- Now you will need to persuade HRs to use yet another tool.
- If you can’t gather people in one online meeting room so they can communicate, how do you expect them to come to your platform?
- HR just could download a bunch of online games and play them.
- There are a lot of free games on the internet already that can be used for this purpose.
And probably the best comment I got: “You have wasted all of our time, and because of it people will not stay for networking.”.
And here I have a lot of feedback and I’m grateful for all the people dedicating their time to listen to whatever idea I had.
This feedback will allow me to improve. I might write reflections on the comments tomorrow.
Please give me feedback, comment on whatever you think about my blog post, and help me improve. ❤️
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